Staying hydrated helps maintain focus and aids with cognitive function. Proper hydration is key to staying in tip-top cognitive shape. In fact, a study on cognitive performance and dehydration* showed that not drinking enough water can negatively impact your focus, alertness, and short-term memory.
Ready/Go® sticks not only provide clean healthy hydration, they also enhance the taste of water so you drink more water!
Ready/Go® Hydration delivers hard-charging industrial workers the hydration they need and the flavor they want.
According to the CDC, environmental heat exposure causes approximately 702 deaths, 67,512 ER visits, and 9,235 hospitalizations annually. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 436 worker deaths from heat since 2011. In response, OSHA launched an emphasis program in 2022 to help employers enhance protections against heat-related issues.

OSHA & Hydration News
“Being dehydrated by just 2% impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills,
as well as assessment of the subjective state.”
Obtain the full report on the National Library of Medicine website:
What do OSHA, NIOSH and CDC say about healthy hydration?
Why Hydration is Important
Your body heats up as you work and cools itself through sweating. Sweating can lead to dehydration. Proper hydration is essential in preventing heat illness.
Read about Keeping Workers Well-Hydrated
The NEP creates, for the first time, a nationwide enforcement mechanism for OSHA to proactively inspect workplaces for heat-related hazards in general industry, maritime, construction, or agriculture operation alleging hazardous exposures to heat (outdoors and/or indoors). This means that OSHA can now launch heat-related inspections on high-risk worksites before workers suffer preventable injuries, illnesses, or fatalities.
Read the OSHA National Emphasis Program Fact Sheet on Outdoor and Indoor and Indoor Heat Hazards
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA helps ensure these conditions by setting standards, and providing training, education and assistance.
OSHA’s message is simple: Water. Rest. Shade.
On hot days, the agency recommends frequent breaks in a cool or shady environment, and drinking 8oz of water every 15 minutes. OSHA also urges employers to allow new workers to acclimate and build up resistance to the increased temperatures. A recent study of heat-related workplace fatalities found that most occurred during the worker’s first week on the job.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees. OSHA helps ensure these conditions by setting standards, and providing training, education and assistance.
OSHA’s message is simple: Water. Rest. Shade.
On hot days, the agency recommends frequent breaks in a cool or shady environment, and drinking 8oz of water every 15 minutes. OSHA also urges employers to allow new workers to acclimate and build up resistance to the increased temperatures. A recent study of heat-related workplace fatalities found that most occurred during the worker’s first week on the job.
“Remind workers to frequently drink small amounts of water before they become thirsty to maintain good hydration.”
“Drinking enough fluids is one of the most important things you can do to prevent heat illness. Water is generally sufficient for hydration.”
Read the NIOSH publication on Heat Stress - Hydration
Water is indeed essential for all life on, in, and above the Earth. This is important to you because you are made up mostly of water. Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive. Water serves a number of essential functions to keep us all going:
This information was obtained from USGS, the sole science agency for the Department of the Interior:
Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 50% to 70% of your body weight. Your body depends on water to survive.
Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work properly. For example, water:
Lack of water can lead to dehydration — a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.
Heat stress, from exertion or hot environments, places workers at risk for illnesses such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or heat cramps.
Protect Yourself - Avoid heavy exertion, extreme heat, sun exposure, and high humidity when possible. When these cannot be avoided, take the following preventative steps:
Additional sources:
Click heat illness images below to view larger
1. Make sure that water is easily accessible. Employees should have easy access to a water cooler or a hydration station.
2. Offer interesting drinking containers. Give each employee a free water bottle with your company logo.
3. Offer Ready/Go® Hydration sticks to employees. Ready/Go® sticks not only provide clean healthy hydration, they enhance the taste of water so you drink more water!
4. Eat real fruit. Most often you can’t have access to fresh fruit on the job. The process patents used to make Ready/Go® hydration sticks are as close to real fruit as you can get. Check out the list of ingredients in all of our hydration products. Clean and simple.
Ready/Go® Hydration products are exclusively distributed by
Nextteq International LLC, Tampa, FL 33634
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